I've been checking out the Camp K Alumni Facebook Group.
Via a conversation about James "Fly" Rider, I end up getting in touch (briefly) with his mom - Inge. I had to dig out an old album to find something to post. I found our Camp Staff photo from Camp Freedom (1988).
In an attempt to get all the names - here is what I remember:
First Row (L to R) - Don't Remember, Don't Remember, Bob (or Robert?); Second Row - Ludwig Heussner, Kevin Leahy, Andy Zybia (Zabay?), Tim Clyde, Jeff Pavlick, Tom Clyde; Third Row - Jerry Olsen, Alan Something, Eric Patton, Sam Walser, George Jarvis, Enos Seyfried, Ron Snodgrass, and Something and Something Demaris (brothers); Fourth Row - Shannon Rodgers, Kevin Disanto/Disano?, Mark Something, Dave Kent, I'm lost on the center of this row, and (on the end of the row) George Provencal; Back Row - Thad Bookman, James Rider, Kirk Cannon, Kurt Eck, Dwyne Rogers, The younger Finch, Chris Finch, and John Rider.
Obviously, I'm missing some names and butchered the spelling of others. Please e-mail me or leave comments with corrections and I will adjust accordingly.